4 promising non-top cryptocurrency 100

The cryptocurrency market is constantly being adjusted, and it is still far from stable even with respect to its strongest coins, not to mention the multitude of little-known tokens, most of which simply disappear, not being able to compete.

Yet among the diversity of little-known coins that are unlikely to survive, you can find a few gems with great potential. Perhaps now is the right time to buy them at low market prices.

We will talk about the four most promising cryptocurrencies that are not currently in the top 100 by CoinMarketCap market capitalization.

Polymath (POLY)

Current rating: 108.

Polymath uses the new Ethereum token class (ETH), which will comply with the rules on securities regulation. Instead of taking selfies and sending bank statements every time you want to invest, Polymath offers a universal KYC (Know Your Client) that can be used for any offers of securities on the blockchain.

In the long term, Polymath sees itself as a fundamental unit for the larger Market Token Marketplace, dApp, where verified users can trade company securities without the risk of violating securities laws.

Unlike classic internal tokens (utility tokens), this standard allows tokens to provide real investment rights, such as stocks and dividends, which were not part of the deal for earlier ICOs.

Pros: The cryptosphere is moving towards regulatory compliance, offering a trillionth market for investment tokens (security tokens). But whether Polymath will lead this market is another question.

Cons: despite the emphasis on securities, POLY, ironically, is an internal token (utility token).

Civic (CVC)

Current rating: 116.

Along with the need for a universal security standard, there is another missing piece in the economic puzzle: the universal standard for identity verification. Until now, the majority of blockchain companies still identify their clients in the old fashioned way, which partly resembles a printout of e-mail and then sending it in an envelope.

Civic's offer is a decentralized identity network, with users paying a small commission for verifying their identity. Although it is still difficult to say whether this system will work (there is a potential for deception on both sides), the Civic system, no matter how experimental it is, is an important departure from centralized verification processes.

Civic first attracted attention when it began distributing free beer from a vending machine that automatically checked for age. It looked (yes, in general, and it was) a marketing gimmick, but the goal was achieved. Civic drew attention to unnecessary transaction costs associated with the confirmation of identity.

Pros: Civic has an impressive list of partners, including some large companies, both using and not using blockchain technology.

Cons: this is not the only player on the market. Civic has several competing projects such as traceto.io and TheKey.

Request Network (REQ)

Current rating: 147.

If Bitcoin is digital money, then Request Network is a digital, peer-to-peer account. Cash is convenient for shopping, but if your business operates in the cryptosphere, you will need a way to keep track of your accounts.

Request Network creates a single account dApp on the Ethereum blockchain. Instead of just sending money, a smart contract will allow users to invoice, calculate salaries, track multiple accounts, and even run automatic checks to manage and comply with taxes.

This is one of the startups that is listed at the moment is surprisingly low, considering that recently it was among the most high-end ICOs. Although the excitement has subsided, it is one of the few low-capital projects that has a work product and highly professional partnerships with PwC and Shopify.

Pros: Request Network sets itself a reasonable goal in an important niche in a crypto payment system, unlike some other projects with exorbitant expectations.

Cons: the Ethereum blockchain has already demonstrated its limitations and is not the best basis for payment applications - at least for now.

Kyber (KNC)

Current rating: 100.

The adoption of a cryptocurrency still faces certain obstacles: 1700, to be precise. There are too many cryptocurrencies, and only a few have enough users to take advantage of the network. Even promising projects like Nano or Stellar do not benefit from low commissions if you cannot find someone else to trade with.

Kyber Network aims to solve the liquidity problem for each individual Ethereum token. Forget about looking for someone who accepts the very same little-known tokens that you use. If two people have tokens, they can instantly trade through the Kyber decentralized exchange.

At least that's how it should work, and Kyber achieved some success during the launch of its network last month. Since then, however, everything has stalled somewhat: only 77 people have used Kyber ?? dApp during the last 24 hours at the time of this writing. Even with a large niche for IPX, it is clear that Kyber still has a long way to go before its mass adoption.

Pros: Kyber has the answer to one of the biggest problems in cryptocurrency payments. Recently, the exchange announced support for all ERC-20, as well as representative tokens on other protocols, such as Bitcoin, for example.

Cons: Although Kyber looks very promising, there are many competing DEX protocols. In addition, the exchange is likely to be faced with regulatory issues.

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