GPU [ETHF] EtherFact (Ethash) POW

EtherFact was officially launched on 5 on May 2018 of the year.
EtherFact is an evolved implementation of the Ethereum protocol. It's a fork in the sense that it shares the same codebase; not the same register. EtherFact is Ethereum because Litecoin is Bitcoin.
Development on decentralized platforms is on the rise. As developers hope to build their application without the side effects of network congestion, several options arise. The first option is to create "next to" the network you are building your application on. The second option is to consider newer platforms that promise better stability. The third option is the one that the EtherFact team took; assert your own network and publish it.
Coin specification:
A type:
Algorithm evidence of work: Ethash (Daggerhashimoto) White Paper
: https: //
Block target time: 15 seconds

Pow mained
Total Coin Supply: 185 billion
blocks Size: 2MB

Block Reward EraV0: 7.5 (V0 Block: 0-5,000,000)
Block Reward EraV1.0: 5 (V1 Block: 5,000,000-7,500,000)
EraV2 block award: 2.5 (V2 block: 5,000,000-7,500,000)
Block Reward EraV3: 1.5 (V3 Block: 7 500
000-10000 000) EraV4 block award: 1 (V4 block: 10 000 000-12500000)
Block Reward EraV5: 0.5 (V5 Block: 12,500,000-15,000,000)
EraV6 block award: 0.25 (V6 Block 15,000,000-Forever!)

Founders Reward: No
Mathernoda: No
Pillows: No
RPC port: 8545

Important links:
Github: https: //

Web Wallet:

Block conductor:

pools: EtherFact Offcial Pool: https: //
code: ethdcrminer64 -epool stratum + tcp: // 8008 -ewal WALLET_ADDRESS -epsw x -allpools 1
Imminer Pool:
Code: ethdcrminer64 -epool stratum + tcp: // 17202 -ewal WALLET_ADDRESS -epsw x -allpools 1
Comining.IO Pool:
code: ethdcrminer64 -epool stratum + tcp: / / -ewal [ACCOUNT]. [WORKER] -epsw x -esm 3 -allpools 1
Epool.IO Pool:
code: EthDcrMiner64.exe -allpools 1 -epool -eworker rig1 -ewal WALLET -epsw x

Pre-Launch 2018: Create a unique reward structure, publish a white paper and a BCT ad, and launch a website and social networks.
Genesis block 2018:Launched with a coin in 7,5 coins for each reward bonus, in order to limit incentives to 5 coins per block in the 5 000 000 block.
Post-Launch 2018: Facilitate the creation of mine pools, EtherFact Block Explorer, web and desktop wallets, facilitate Exchange integration.
After launching 2018 of the year: EtherFact Mobile wallet works for Android and iphone.
Q1 2019: Applied gaming technology on the Blockchain EtherFact platform.
Q2 2019: Creating an internal exchange platform for EtherFact.

Software Client:

Social accounts:

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