How did we launch Anegeus and how about the rest?

Attention! If you hear about this experiment for the first time and about masternods in general, we suggest reading our introductory article.

Launching Anegeus Masternods

For a long time, this coin had been waiting for its turn to start, there were some nuances in the process, which we will discuss in this article.

For those who have not seen our review of Aegeus cryptocurrency, go to link.

We believed in this master, since the idea of ​​the project is very relevant today, and the price of AEG is quite attractive. Let's go through the basic parameters:

Masternod number is constantly growing.
Moderate payback (54% per annum)
You need to keep 5000 AEG in it (approximately $ 60)

In order:

  • Our team 20 September was acquired 5000 AEG in the amount of 0.0105 BTC. Since the ROI is relatively small, a predominantly bet was made on the prospect of coin growth.
  • During the 4 days there were some launch difficulties that forced us to make at least five attempts. As it turned out, this was due to not updated wallet version. We were helped to solve the problem in the community discord.
  • After some time in the discord, the Aegeus community began to vote for a certain upgrade of the masternods, which meant an increase in the required number of coins for the google. At this stage, the majority of holders (with a small margin) voted for his increase in 5 times. That is, if this happens, then the required number of coins to run will increase to 25 000 AEG and will cost at least $ 300. Thus, they want to reduce the number of masternodes by about 80%:
    9 590 000 / 5 000 = 1918
    9 590 000 / 25 000 = 383
    and raising the threshold of entry, attract more serious investors. Management is concerned that some of the profits from AEG do not even cover the cost of the server, and such a move will allow investors to receive significantly higher remuneration.

Note: According to our observations, many projects are now seeking to increase the quality of investors by raising the entry threshold. This is a good sign, showing the serious intentions of the team.

  • 24 September was launched by MasterNod.
  • At this stage, the question on the node remains open. If the project really intends to change the amount of fuel, then you will certainly find out about our decision (to buy more coins or not).

We launched the Aegeus Masternode on server SupremeVPS, about which you can read in the previous review.
Recallthat now it is the most affordable VPS of those with whom we work. At the same time, in terms of functionality, it is not much inferior to more expensive ones.

What with our previous nodes


Our two Vivo masters, which were launched at different times, consistently bring 5 coins every 2 of the day. During the entire experiment (today 26.09) we managed to get 92 Vivo what's on course $0,099 is about $9,1.

The results of the first Vivo node can be seen HERE, and the results of the second HERE.
You can also read about starting this node by following the link.


In the last article, we left open the question of how to buy coins to 100 000 CMD (the same situation with Aegeus). After watching for some time the price movement and the number of master CMD, we decided to buy 20 in September for another 50 000 CMD (it cost us 0.03333 BTC) and hold this project in the portfolio until December.

On September 21, the masternode was restarted, you can watch our profit on this node HERE.

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