Nvidia Mining Driver (Nvidia Mining Driver for Mining)

Nvidia Mining Driver (Mining Driver for Nvidia Video Cards) Really Happened?

Today we are going to talk about the Nvidia Mining Driver, which recently hit the net and was personally tested by us. There are no drivers or a section for miners on the official website yet = (

Download the driver by the link: https://crackd.ru/Files/390.77-mining-win10-64bit-international-whql.exe

For the tests, we used one of our farms at 4х1070 and 1х1080ti, which mines ZCL at miningpoolhub

Removed all drivers using DDU (Display Driver Unistaller) and cleanly put the Nvidia driver for mining.

What happened to:

miner readings (Bminer 5.2.0):

pool readings:

What happened after:


Nvidia tried its best and made a separate product for miners, allowing them to finally use the full power of their equipment in mining, which is very useful for the current fluctuation of cryptocurrency rates.

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  1. Ilya

    The link is not working
