About Ethereum Classic (ETC) Perspectives

Recently there has been a lot of speculation around ETC. The price is growing, the distribution of Callisto tokens is getting closer, and the crypto-twitter is talking more and more about the approaching ETC megapamp. Of course, some trade in the calculation of short-term profits, and it is their right, but they do not see the forest for the trees.

Worse, some of these traders call ETC “Shitcoin”, as if our community existed for so long just for the sake of another pumping and dropping the price of a coin. I can say firmly: we have never set such a goal, we do not set it now, and we are not going to in the future.

In this article I will talk a little about the achievements of ETC and about the bright future of the project, marked in its roadmap.

The future of ETC is the future of all cryptocurrencies, and this is the future of mutual compatibility, in which there will not be one winner. ETC will be compatible with many other protocols, while others will naively wage a direct struggle for dominance.

At the heart of our sidechains is SputnikVM virtual machine, which will allow you to run smart contracts anywhere ... You can do it today, not in some foggy future.


This year, the main blockchain of Ethereum Classic will have sidechains. Transactions on them will be free and even devices with very low power consumption will be able to use them. We will be the first blockchain to meet the real needs of the devices that make up the so-called Internet of things. While others only make statements and announce partnership agreements before preparing at least a minimally working product, we will be the first to implement this.

Our sidechains are based on the SputnikVM virtual machine, which allows you to run smart contracts anywhere - even directly in the browser or on embedded devices. You can do this today, not in some dim future.

Our sidechains will be extremely flexible to use. They will allow their creators to choose PoA (Proof of Authority) or PoS (Proof of Stake) algorithm. They can be public, private, or have different clearance levels depending on your needs.

Ease of use

Each blockchain still needs to increase its usability, but we have made great strides in this direction. We have beautiful and well-working wallets (Emerald Wallet, CEW). A simple DNA-like system implemented through CEW. There are wallets for mobile devices and more will appear in the near future. We are everywhere, on every major exchange, we are very popular internationally, we even make our way into the Cardano wallet.

I sent myself a few ETCs, and they appeared in my Emerald Wallet seconds through 20.

Ease of development

At present, development in the field of blockchain technologies more often consists of writing low-level code. Although we have languages ​​such as Solidity, very similar to JavaScript, they function as low-level languages. This leads to great difficulties in the development and a lot of errors in the program code.

The Emerald Project will provide a common high-level development environment designed to simplify the creation of software solutions in the Ethereum Classic ecosystem. Imagine libraries in which integration with hardware wallets is implemented simply by the command ledger.connect (), and interaction with tokens through Token t = new Token (0xbeef ..); t.transfer (0xfa34 ..). The examples given are pseudocode, but they show the direction in which we are developing - so that there is no need to mess around with remote procedure calls or binary application interfaces.

Although the Emerald Project is not limited to code, it also covers user interfaces. Look at the Emerald Wallet - it looks great. And you can easily use the same elements in your applications. On the user side, the interface, made in the same style and logic, will create a sense of recognition and coherence between various projects in the ETC ecosystem.

It is also expected to improve documentation for developers, which will be announced in the next few months.

Emerald wallet

Installing Emerald Wallet took me literally 1 a minute, after which I could immediately start using ETC.

emerald wallet

I just installed Mist for Ethereum, but it looks like I will have to wait a while before I start using it. I clicked “Run application” several times, but nothing happened. Looks like I'm stuck on the 10 240 block.


While I was waiting, I sent myself some ETCs, and they appeared in my Emerald Wallet after 20 seconds.

em wallet

Mist, meanwhile, is completely frozen. I restarted it.


I waited.

In the end, he synchronized. And while you have not accused me of attacking the developers of Mist, I will clarify: I do not want to criticize anyone. Developing a good wallet is quite a challenge, mistakes happen, and I'm sure they will solve these problems.

I want to say only that ETC has a good wallet, the installation of which, up to the opportunity to start using the ETC network, takes about one minute. Those who claim that ETC cannot solve even the most “simple” tasks, like creating a wallet, do not possess information at best, while deliberately keeping silent about problems in their own communities.

Open community

The sabredditov, forums, groups in the Discord and Telegram different owners. Problems are discussed openly and you do not have to agree with the majority.

We strongly do not support the deliberate pumping and the price drop. Do you want to know why the price of ETC does not grow to infinity, as it does with many other coins? Because if you read the forums of our community, you will find that most of its participants will not promise you either the golden mountains or the fast "tu-ze-mun", that we are aware of the existing problems and are working hard to solve them . We think that in the long term such an approach will significantly increase the spread and acceptance of ETC, albeit at the cost of short-term enrichment on pampas and dumps on inexperienced newcomers.

We are also not going to impose our opinions on you and tell you what to believe and what not. And we are not going to shine our names and faces in each new project. We have principles and we will adhere to them in the future.

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