Bettex coin review

Website: working, usability level is average

Investment tool: short term

Partnership: no information

Title: on exchanges since September 2018

Exchanges: CREX24, Graviex, Crypto-Bridge, Bitexbay

Coinmarketcap: №1042, cap 239 thousand $, bidding per day 817 $

A type: Coin

Platform: own blockchain BigchainDB, fork PivX

Mining: Proof of Work + Proof of Stake

Hash Algorithm: Xevan


Emission: 50 million BTXC (pre-1 million)

Category: gambling

Competition / Uniqueness: average / average

Github activity: average

Social activity: average

Road map: to 2 apt 2019

White Paper: 13 pages

Jurisdiction: No information. Presumably RF

Team: Closed

Community: no way to rate

Bitcointalk: 14 pages

Making decisions: Centralized

Russian chat: Yes


This review is not an advertisement or recommendation for action, but is only informational.

Author Sergey Rad (T8 Rocket)

Description of the project

Bettex Coin is a coin of a decentralized betting exchange on its own blockchain. In essence, this is a p2p gambling platform.


To be honest, for a long time I did not independently review coins that are already traded on the exchange - Vika mainly does this, for which she is grateful from the entire community. But I decided to do this review myself for several reasons.

First, of course, so as not to lose the skill

Secondly, the project looks like another Shitcoin, and many would have considered it as such without understanding, and yet there are a lot of chips here:

  • it is also its own blockchain, built on the PivX fork - the coins of the TOP100 closing capitalization. The trick is that when making a shitcoin, developers who want to collect dough usually take more popular blockchains as donors - Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, or at least Bytecoin
  • This is a nonICO model, which is uncharacteristic for recent projects that collect grandmas on a tokensale and merge. Here, of course, there is a premine and devFee, which allow developers to receive financing for the development of the project, but this is less dangerous than ICO
  • and, most importantly, it POS-algorithm to achieve consensus, which allows you to earn on staking and even raise your own masternode without any problems. Here you need only 5000 coins at today's rate - a little more than 500 bucks and a regular computer with Windows or Linux. And it gives 484% per annum today. Actually, that's how I found this coin on masternod site
  • Well, the fact that this is the scope of sports betting. I am not a player, but when launching our robot, which forks, I was not constantly left with the idea that the forks would soon become a thing of the past when the blockchain came to the industry tightly. And here he comes. But I think another year and a half we have to earn forks. In addition, it is an industry of half a trillion bucks and it can not fail to attract

The story of

So, the project is fresh - it appeared in 2018 and appeared on the radars of Coinmarketcap on September 15, 2018

As already mentioned, they did not conduct ICO, but previously naynili 1 million coins to finance the project and drove them to the stock exchange. Not the most top-rated ones of course, but it seems to be enough to run POS and Masternode

Slightly more than 100 thousand dollars gave the event to the developers, but this is enough to launch the exchange (for more details, see the business model section). And if they carried out ICO, they would put 10 caps on it

It is very remarkable that usually such coins are lying somewhere below 1 satoshi, and here almost 2000 satoshi is the price and there were times when the rate went up almost to 3500

And given the low trading volume and non-equity exchanges, the coin is very volatile and may be of interest to both traders and stakers

Business model

This is a betting exchange. That is, unlike the current model of betting through bookmakers (where there are surebets) - this model has a number of advantages and, apparently, over time, it will completely replace bookmakers

  • there are higher ratios
  • and the amount of the bet is unlimited (players understand what they are talking about)

But ordinary exchanges also slow down development without a blockchain and have a number of problems:

  • regional or national orientation (limitation in the use of payment systems) - the problem of processing. And here is the problem of restricting access in different countries
  • high commission on input / output associated with banks.
  • and most importantly, complex mandatory verification (again, the banking topic)
  • Well, plus fault tolerance, transparency, anonymity (due to the PivX blockchain)

And so the guys decided to stir up an exchange on the blockchain, where their own cryptocurrency will be a means of payment and the whole project consists of 2 parts - this is an exchange and this is a cryptocurrency

As for the blockchain, in addition to the fact that the coin ecosystem is made on the basis of PivX, which is distinguished by its anonymity and speed - here the guys went even further in creating the database blockchain and synchronized Tendermint - this is a low-level blockchain engine with a fail-safe BFT consensus - the task of the Byzantine generals (familiar with EOS)

Uses a similar thing Cosmos project and this technology can handle more than 1000 transactions per second

In other words, there are 2 blockchains - for a payment coin and for a database


It is very interesting here - as I already said, there was a premine up to 800 blocks using the POW algorithm - then only POS-mining with a 20% share of the reward operates.

To earn, you need to have from 1000 coins in your wallet

The remaining 80% take for themselves masternodes that rise from 5000 coins

And there is also DevFee reward - developers take a 2% commission that platform users pay for transactions

Coin rate

BTXC Course on 29.09.18/0.09/39 it is equal to $13 (moreover, in a few hours while the review was being written, it fell by XNUMX% from XNUMX cents - traders will like the volatility)

Capitalization 171 thousand $

Daily trading $ 746

Maximum amount tokens 2 196 677 WTC

In circulation is 1 834 060 WTC

The maximum was 21 cents on September 23 - the falling trading volume indicates either a lack of interest on the part of traders (because the coin is on low-liquid exchanges) or the interest of stakers who hold coins on their wallets

The schedule for creating a master node is growing - so we can assume that people are holding coins and with the proper level of PR and paying attention to marketing (which, by the way, is not there at all) - it may well push the rate up. But it is not exactly


We don’t know anything about the team except this - it was verified by the KYD service, but the guys remain anonymous

Prospects for 2018 year

In the 3 quarter, according to the plan for listing on nettop exchanges, they move quite actively (hereinafter in the section where to buy) on the masternodes. In general, it’s very interesting that with such a low trading volume, they were listed on my information platforms including coinmarketcap

In the 4 quarter, 2018 promise to show alpha exchanges and in the 1 quarter beta, mobile wallets and listing on 2 level exchanges. In the 2 quarter of next year, everything will be ready and top exchanges

Honestly, they obviously lack marketing (except for banners on

, but while moving and the strategy is extremely interesting. There are not enough stars from the sky - they are listed on stock exchanges with little liquidity, and with the help of voting

As for real work, there is a github, where the activity is not very high yet, but it is clear that the project is not abandoned

The minnet is already running, but the transactions are strangely identical.

But as you get closer it’s clear that these are POS rewards

Where can I buy

Everything is on the coinmarket and koingeko, except for the 1 exchange

Where, by the way, the daily volume is almost 6 cue ball and the price of 3444 satoshi

Where to store

The guys have their own wallets

With their help, POS mining and masternodes are launched. We need to buy on the stock exchange and drop it at your address and go

investment decision

The obvious shortcomings of the project are the closeness of the team, the absolute absence of a competent marketer in the staff, and communication with the community. Own blockchain with obvious advantages, but its architecture is not described at all. How this works we can only guess. But at the same time, focusing on a huge market and specific blockchain solutions are obvious advantages. Increasing the number of master nodes and POS mining with proper PR can do the trick. To create a shitcoin, a scammer would choose a more popular fork and a more popular topic and spend the money not on listing on exchanges, but on advertising in order to collect the dough. The guys move slowly, but apparently honestly, which is good news

The roadmap is not stretched, the mainnet is running, volatility is present - you can trade in the short term, or you can launch a master node in one click. But no more than 1-2% of the portfolio in order to diversify

Good luck team

Express your opinion in the comments and study the project, because in the near future we will play 500 bucks among commentators and in a quiz on knowledge of the project

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