The survey showed that the Ethereum community supports a reduction in block rewards to 1 ETH

A survey conducted at Reddit shows that most of the Ethereum community supports reducing block rewards for the largest altcoin network to 1 ETH per block instead of the current 2 ETH per block.

Interview was held on the r/ethtrader subreddit and 68,6% of votes voted to reduce the reward for Mining up to 1 ETH, which is currently worth just over $130 per block. About 19,4% of the votes were in favor of a reduction to 1,5 ETH per block, while only 12% voted for no change.

The voting used a labeled version of Reddit's karma known as donuts. A total of 7,6 million "donuts", that is, almost 20% of the karma delivered by the token, was used by voters. Using "donuts" for voting means the poll results would not be easy

To earn donuts on a subreddit, users have to contribute, just like Reddit users earn karma. While it is possible to buy and sell donuts, the survey only counted those who made money by submitting content, participating in polls, and commenting on the subreddit.

The survey was conducted as Ethereum developers are considering implementing Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 2387, which is slated for a hard fork known as the Muir Glacier hard fork on January 6, to postpone the so-called "difficulty bomb" for more 4 million blocks.

A hard fork planned for block No. 9,069,000 will connect the Ethereum Proof-of-Work (PoW) chain of matching algorithm to the Beacon Chain, the first phase of the upcoming Ethereum 2.0which will work with Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consistent algorithm.

The difficulty bomb is designed to gradually increase the hashing difficulty on the cryptocurrency blockchain to force the network to move towards PoS. If EIP 2387 is implemented, it will be, in particular, the third time the bomb is delayed, as it was delayed by 3 million blocks on the Byzantine hard fork last year, and it was delayed by 2 million earlier this year. blocks on a hard fork in Constantinople. ,

Some are worried about Ethereum inflation as its negotiable offer, according to Vitalik Buterin's forecast for 2016 will not exceed 100 million in the foreseeable future. In the past three years, it has surpassed that mark after adding over 35 million ETH.

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