Scaling Ethereum: Sharding.

Blockchain technology is still evolving. Therefore, he must face various problems. The blockchain trilemma is one such problem faced by blockchain networks and peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions. In reality, most crypto platforms should choose two features out of three: security, decentralization, and scalability.

Each feature mentioned has its own advantages over the overall performance of the blockchain. However, coexistence with each other poses a key problem. Since one of these functions is to be ignored, arguments appear trying to determine which is more important. However, various projects are currently being developed to include all three functions.

Scalability remains a major concern with networks offering advantages and disadvantages in almost equal measure. This helps in increasing the performance of the entire system. This feature is achievable along with decentralization in the blockchain network. However, this would increase the security risks of the platform involved.

Various solutions can be implemented to improve the scalability of the blockchain. Sharding is one such solution.

What is sharding?

In traditional descriptions, sharding is a database and management partitioning strategy that involves splitting large amounts of data into smaller pieces. Separation makes data management easier. It also serves to achieve scalability and improve the overall performance of the database being used.

Smaller databases allow resource allocation efficiently, which helps reduce resource costs. It also paves the way for new efficient power levels.

How sharding works

This is also called horizontal splitting. This shows how the data table is split into rows that will serve as new tables. These tables are known as sections. They contain unique data that is independent of the data stored in other tables. These shards / partitions help to reduce the size of the database on each node. This in turn improves the performance of the database output.

On the other hand, sharding adds its complexity to the database and reinforces the centralization of the system, where data corruption of any shard can destroy the entire table.

How does it work on the blockchain?

Sharding involves using nodes to store different sets of data that are not involved in storing all the data in the entire blockchain. This strategy, while complex, makes the traditional practice of storing nodes of all your data on the blockchain obsolete. This, in turn, ensures that all transactions are accurate.

At the moment, sharding is still under scrutiny. However, the area of ​​study that falls under the category of distributed computing only attracts people who have expressed an interest in it.

A consensus algorithm is used to separate the blockchain in the world Proof-of-Stake (PoS). It uses separate nodes to take responsibility for verifying the transaction. As for the consensus algorithms, Proof-of-Stake becomes more profitable than Proof-of-Work (PoW), since it is believed that transactions specific to one node are authenticated by it, and not by the entire blockchain.

This strategy helps to reduce the entire load along the entire block chain and helps to increase the efficiency of the blockchain.

Ethereum and Sharding

It is the separation of Ethereum's structure and history into smaller entities. These objects are then persisted to nodes with their history and transaction details. Each of these nodes only has a subset of the data that is used to validate transactions, but can also communicate with other nodes.

Any information that is needed by a node that does not have it contacts the node that has the information and then accesses the required data. Thus, a node may need depending on other nodes for information that it does not have. However, Ethereum seeks to solve this problem with cryptoeconomic incentives that use actors for planned actions in the system.

Implementing this practice on Ethereum may be somewhat complicated due to the size and complexity of blockchain technology.

What are the alternative solutions for sharding?

There are other techniques that can be used to address the scalability issue that affects blockchain networks. Among the solutions:

  • Block transaction rate increase

This is achieved by using fewer bytes to store information in a block or by increasing the block size. Increasing the block size ensures that more transactions can be held within it. The gas limit is used in Ethereum to create a limit on the number of transactions a block can support. Moreover, reducing the size of information in a block improves efficiency.

  • Increase the speed of adding blocks

The rate at which blocks are added to the blockchain primarily determines the rate of transactions that the network can process. Thus, any reduction in the time difference between block creation helps speed up transaction processing.

  • Off-chain

This method allows to reduce the processing load on the blockchain by moving some transactions off the main chain. It helps in solving the problems of interoperability of blockchain systems and at the same time improves the efficiency of operations. Hence, this ultimately increases decentralization.

  • Side chains

The side chain is described as a blockchain that exists separately from the main blockchain. However, it is still attached to it via bi-directional communication. The side chain then exists as a child chain that is linked to the root chain. This helps to minimize the load on the main chain and the amount of information stored in it.

What awaits us?

Blockchain partitioning is expected to play an important role in solving blockchain scalability challenges. This will help shrink the Ethereum blockchain, which will increase the number of transactions it can process every second.

Sharding has a lot of potential, although it is still a concept in the development phase. Moreover, it is not widely accepted due to the disadvantages that come with it. The relationship between shards is not easy to implement, as operations need to be governed by their own clear rules.

Addressing this key problem will help expand the use of sharding techniques. In turn, this will facilitate further progress in this area.


Sharding has its own advantages and disadvantages. But it still retains its position as a solution that can significantly help achieve blockchain scalability. Although the partitioning strategy can be complex, it provides better transparency of transactions and operations processed by the blockchain system.

Thus, it can be considered the potential future of Ethereum, but after some of the tasks of its implementation will be solved.

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